Friday, August 16, 2013

Review on Revlon's Moon Candy nail polish

This week I am reviewing the Revlon moon candy nail polish. I had been eying this polish for literally months before it went on sale and I decided to buy one. I chose the "Orbit" color, because I love purple. Before I start my review, let me say that the prices on these polishes is really kind of ridiculous. It costs around $9-$10 just for ONE. That said, let's get on with the review. 

As I said, I bought the "Orbit" polish, and I was really excited to try it. The base polish is a pretty, deep, dark purple. I rather enjoyed the flow and quality of it. The top coat, however? The "moon candy" part? I'm really not a fan of it. When you dip in the brush, you hardly get any of the flecks of glitter or whatever it is, requiring you to go back several times before you have a good quantity of flecks on your nails. If you are an avid polish fan like myself, you know that multiple layers means drying time is increased quite a bit, which I did not enjoy. Besides the low amount of flakes in the polish, the flecks have a tendency to curl and stand up somewhat, leading to them sticking up instead of laying nice and flat against the nail. This caused my polish to chip pretty quickly, which was frustrating considering the time, effort, and money that I had put into my manicure. 

Once my manicure was complete and dry, I was actually pretty disappointed with the visual aspect of it. When you look at the adverts for the polish, the top coat with the flakes in it REALLY pops and looks amazing. In reality, they were pretty dull despite my efforts. I do have to admit that, since I have yet to try the other colors, I can't say this is true of all of them but it is definitely true of the "Orbit". Try as I might, I could not get a decent picture of this manicure. That's how poorly the flakes show up. I don't have a fancy camera, true, but my digital has served me well in the past. I did an image search on GOOGLE to see if others had the same issue, and it seems that they did (such as the one posted here,  borrowed from Tara May's blog, "Tara Loves Colors")

The colors definitely don't pop here as much as they are "supposed" to. Now, Tara says she loves this polish despite it being "a pain in the butt to apply". I'd have to agree with her.... about the "pain in the butt" part, anyway. All things considered, I do like the concept of the polish and think it's a neat idea.. but unfortunately, this is far from the best polish I have tried. I may or may not try a couple of the other colors to see if they are visually any better... but for now I give it a 3 out of 5.

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